Urban Decay – Pretty Different

1080.Pretty Different and the Global UD Citizens _ Urban Decay Cosmetics_atXeCbcwWaw_1080p from Cineburo on Vimeo.

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Since 1996, Urban Decay has been the rebel of the beauty world. over twenty years later their attitude remained intact, but they’re message needed an update. Enter our dystopian future, a world where uniformity is celebrated and a fresh face of makeup was the only way to snap the world out of its airbrushed trance. This is “Pretty Different” a brand relaunch campaign starring Urban Decay’s five new global citizens; Lizzo, Joey King, Ezra Millar, Karol G and CL.

1B global impressions
250 global press stories
combined 4.2M video views across citizen social channels
the most positively reviewed campaign in Urban Decay history (99% positive sentiment)